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September 11: College Fair at Liberty Christian School 


We will be taking the juniors to a college fair where they will have the opportunity to talk with representatives from over 130 colleges and universities from around the nation. Students should be prepared to make a good impression. Dress neatly in your school uniform.  This event is on Patriot Day and at our campus students will have had the opportunity to wear jeans to school. If you choose to dress in jeans for Patriot Day, you must bring your uniform to change into. The college fair dress code has been set by the host school. I am attaching a list of potential questions you might want to ask a college representative. Please look over them so you are prepared to make the most of this time. We will leave for the fair at 1:30 and should return to HCA by 3:30. Parents are welcome to attend if they would like to meet us at Liberty Christian School. If a parent is attending and would like to leave the event with their child, please send me an email. Parents will also need to bring a photo ID with them for check-in at Liberty Christian School.


Local Christian College Fairs:


  • Tuesday, September 19th from 6:00-8:00pm visit the East Dallas Fair [New This Year!] at Heritage Christian Academy in Rockwall [postcard link]

  • Thursday, September 21st from 4:30-6:30 visit the Tyler Fair at Grace Community High School in Tyler


Student Tip: 


Discover these 8 Time-Management Tips for High School Students from The College Board 


September 18:


HCA’s College Planning Night at 6:00 p.m.

Come and receive college planning information. There will be a time for questions as well. 


PSAT – October 18:


9th – 11th grade students will take the PSAT on campus. This year’s PSAT will be a digital test. More information will be sent home later.


Other Events Coming Up:


  • We have plans for colleges to visit HCA and talk with our students throughout the school year.

  • Our juniors will be able to take a field trip in January and visit Dallas Baptist University together

  • Multiple advising opportunities with Mrs. Nicolello and/or Mrs. Dunning

  • We are always available to answer your questions as they come up throughout the year. Students can stop by our office or set up a time to meet.


Serving the Saints,

Alisha Nicolello

Assistant Principal
Keller Campus


Resources for Harvest Students

HCA Planning Packet for College Bound Students

This list provides links for scholarship opportunities from a wide range of sources. Categories:  General Scholarships, Band/Credit Unions, Majors, College/Universities, Military & special scholarship for dyslexic students. 

HCA Academic Profile of the Class of 2022.  

List of colleges where HCA graduates have been accepted. 

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